
 I have a website as Music, Commander-in-Chef sites to entails my music background was family started piano and cello, when I was first grade.

I does Go Game as well 5 years old. Therefore, to sing, to compose some lyrics accordance to the existing songs, its really just piece of cakes.

Actually NSYNC gives some jobs in the lyrics

1. Shooting down the comets. Madison Square Concert, if you care to watch. (2013, 2015, 2018-2019 ) - Britney Video: Holidng against me. 2011, push 2 years more. 2 Full Years

2. Tearing up my heart: Running out of TIme ( Declare kingship 2017 )

3. Bye bye bye, my relationship was ended. (2014)

4. Two of us ( Its pending with Eben Pagan) (2021)

The reflection of sing / music:

Due to my works required some songs to demonstrate in the nature of the story tale-ing or lesson-buidling, I often have to come out practice once or twice the song, and get on the singing platform to records a video in 2018 Jan to 2019 Dec, about 2 full years of works in 700 videos. 

These MTV or music video that people make has their purpose, therefore, I use it as an instructional format, for my own purpose, most time its to do with the military. That nature of the military often have a different reading than the public, so I would conduct a quick, just get down to the chase, we will start to sing.

Its not  my nature to go and kararoke and sing a song, if you would ask me in person in a sudden meeting, I will tell you, I have none preparation song, in my life, for a friends or social meeting function that I can entertaining some people. 

I always been learning singing in my elementary school club. The strangest things of how everyone could sign up the clubs they want on a Saturday morning class, I always end up in the singing class, because as if that is the most easy to sign-up class. 

But to the real singing degree was when I was a piano accompanist to a Kentucky High School Class name choir Madrical, I start to learn real singing, how they have use their vocal cord to the degree I can never imagine.

After that year, I don't often practice, I might sing a few chorus in the shower, like American Anthem or O Kentucky Home. Its a state song.

You might be surprise, why I practices these two songs, and if you bring my video to the professional and tell them, why I choose these two songs, you might find yourself paying the professional for a cause for that answer.

When you see a particular way, like these madrical ways, there are certain, that vocal inside and shaken more on each notes. And the design of the National Anthem or O Kentucky, may be, even they have lineage power, if you are American willing to believe, sometimes, people do care about the fine details of singings, not just the pop songs random, we sing blue together, and wild guess a drink of alcohol down to the belly.

I hope you respect that I do not take alcohol, smoke, or gambling, one of those stupid act of Old Kentucky growing tabaoo as the farming methods to maintain...Life itself.

I hope you know that respect to yourself too. 

~ Anna




Hi My name is Anna Jao