
 My real Career are not just creating websites, and teaching people about the library use of information tools. 

My real jobs are molecular biology, meaning genetics.

This is when I join AGT, prior we TYG

The You Generation

American Got Talents

I was looking for Simon Cowell, for one million dollars. 

Currently I am working on getting married, so this projects have been waiting 8 years periods of time, accordance to BT'X First episode, Japanese Animation in the 90s.

Story about a genius brother presenting at a scientific meeting, with a brother coming to see him. He got kidnapped, and everyone die at the convention center.

This genius brother carried a mathematics formula in the heads, to find all ways to calculate none stop at a wall solve the final equation.

If you interested to the current affairs to how I govern the worlds, you can visit my main current group page website, at URL:

Or you can bookmark it.

These are concepts on DNA alphabets

In the future to do with NCBI database, every molecular biologist, geneticist, bio chemist knows how to use it.

What you know about Steve Jobs are one of the fews human decoding his genomes in the Standford University. The actually he decoding sequence, can be directly computerize into these alphabet I create it.

Directly applied.

Copy and rendering ... 


You cannot really steal Art, if that is what you are saying to me. Whether its periodic table or not. What does that mean, to people like me? I write books with the things I design, like Art "Glow to Go", that is directly ink inside the book, so I claim my own authorship. 

And these Wooden panel made of Arts, I still can claim that authorship, ownership.

You can just click on the image to go below the image gallery to keep click on it, they will magnify out. 



Hi My name is Anna Jao