Climate Change

 I used to learn the subjects of geography when I was in the middle School.

If someone asking about my memory, of course, I forgets of things sometimes. But the textbook if I learn it in my life, how it is, I usually don't forget it.

These are science, usually meant very basic rudimentary education I receive, therefore, I do not see why I cannot talk about it the first time, its the same with 1000 times if you tell me repeated it. 


What is Climate Change? 

Is climate change same things as you hear about global warming? 

Global Warming is part of the Climate Change. Part of it.

Island sinking like where I live, its an island, that is the Global Warming causing it, but its climate change reason the island disappeared.

For example if I say, what is the reasons are causing Climate Change:

you will say

1. Global Warming

2. Sea water rising (island disappearing)

3. Greenhouse CO2 


But if someone ask you what is the cause of global warming, 

do you say, the reason is Climate Change? It will sound funny way, you put the front and the back a little bit blurs in definition.

Its to do with the temperature.

But if the temperature started to drop like Ice age, you still saying it, its climate change, its no more global warming, but its still a part of the "shifting of the weather patterns (changes)".

Climate Change Video:

Here I am talking about several factors that determine Global Warming

    Ice Glacial

    Temperature, your skin felt, the only physical evidence you can tell people, you feel it. You feeling it, the global warming, or else everyone say they lying and sue each other on the science convention everywhere. Its to the public mass, that is a dummy quesiton Al Gore Vice President, its called Global Warming, not Climate Change, because you just answer someone : You feeling it, that is why that is climate change importnat?

    Ocean (Under ocean floor has a current, on the top of the surface layers of ocean has another current) these different temperature of the currents creates all kinds of feedback oceanic system. Atlantic ocean system?  I live on the Pacific Ocean side.

    Air, its above the Ocean. Is this funny, what is below the ocean, just at the ocean surface below the water, and on the top are Air? Can you picture all that inside your minds eyes?

I actually personally don't see why people saying they interested into climate change, but none of them really care about it to the details of needie greedie?

So I just lists another 2 dummy weather reasons, why there are phenonemon, in today, our military orientation table human soilder, have nothing but no brain, to see beyond scientific meeting, I still hold it in my position?

Meaning, you don't do science meeting

You don't do climate change meeting

You don't create website, digital era.

What exactly you are good to use? Stand there with the uniform ?

I am the one typing all these down, with the video insert to tell you, its dimension I used


You will find it useful one day.

There are so many climate change videos I made on the channel, you change visit my Youtube page name listing: Wei Jao.

Thanks for listening.



Hi My name is Anna Jao