
 I used to practice a meditation methods by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

They taught as 5 names, to repeat it 24 hours regardless what we do.

So therefore, cooking its really...the time, to rythm its momentum. Unless you know what I am talking about. Cooking is just a cooking show.

Zen monostary, or Chinese Monks order, or even including India Spirituality groups, I still believe today, many people care about the cooking and their Spirituality works combines together.


Cooking is a lot of chore. Cleaning, wiping, organizing utensils.

Meaning you see shapes, objects, move things around, upside down, inside out, plastic wraps, trash, waste handling. Not just you finish yourself a cooking lesson on the camera, your parents have to clean up the mess after you?

Cooking has a rythm, cleaning has a rythmn, if you believe, I meant that I practice myself to some kinds of Ancient Chinese Martial Art belief, I will tell you, cooking is not just a chore you hate to do. Its a part of life, you ought to do, not like Asian society, every convinence store are a walk of distance, and to people like me, hardly eat, if one day, to tell you the truth, that life fetch food in a distant away, without cooking, your exercise amount gonna decrease, and your fun things to do will be lesson?

Cooking is a fun things to do, while you are not huntry, I will tell you that.

Those people have a name.

They called them Breatharian, Solarian (by the sun), Liquidarian, Fruitarian, Waterian....

They live on Prana.



Hi My name is Anna Jao